Annual Giving Campaign

EPMS Needs Your Support!

The Annual Giving Campaign (AGC) is our most important fundraising effort, amounting to more than 60% of the funds we raise each year.

We need your help!

This year, we’re requesting an Annual Giving donation of $1200 per child and participation from 100% of EPMS families. Both goals are equally important to the success of the campaign.

What Can I do?

Each year, Eagle Peak depends on its families to help ensure that our children receive a high quality education. With everyone’s participation, we look forward to another successful year. Every donation to the Annual Giving Campaign, regardless of the amount, increases our participation level. Help us get to 100% this year!

Where does my AGC donation go?

Your donations to the Annual Giving Campaign help close the gap between the federal, state, and local funds the school receives and the cost of providing the excellent Montessori educational experience that our children enjoy:

  • Maintain Art, Music, PE, and Environmental Education programs
  • Hire and retain highly qualified teachers
  • Provide professional development for staff and teachers
  • Expand programs and teacher materials
  • Support the unique offerings at EPMS based on the philosophy of Dr. Maria Montessori

We hope you will join us and support our exceptional school, teachers and children in any way that you can. Thank you in advance for your generous contributions.

Community Foundation for Eagle Peak (CFEP) Board of Directors

CFEP President

*Annual Giving contributions are confidential and tax deductible.

Does your company offer an Employer Matching contribution program? If you do not see yours listed below, inquire with your HR department.

Thank you to our Matching Corporate Donors:

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