Get Involved
There are many ways to get involved and support Eagle Peak Montessori through CFEP. Get involved by volunteering on our board or help organizing an event. Maximize your donations by partnering with your employer’s corporate sponsor program. Donate by buying the things you already spend money on by using our shop and support program. There are so many ways to get involved and make an impact. CFEP is a success for the students of Eagle Peak because of you.

Volunteer with CFEP
Volunteer on a CFEP board position or help organize one our annual events. Everyone is invited to join our monthly meetings. The CFEP meetings are held the 2nd Monday of every month in the multi-purpose room at EPMS, 7pm. (Right now, they are virtual via Zoom.) Please join us!

Support While You Shop
Take advantage of one of our many ways to support CFEP while you shop. Save those virtual Boxtops for Education, buy school swag, and many more creative ways to give back.

Annual Campaign
The CFEP Annual Campaign is our year long fundraising effort. By donating you help to make a major impact on the funding for Eagle Peak Montessori School.

Attend an Annual Event
CFEP organizes exciting events throughout the year. We are famous for our Crab Feed, Annual Auction and more. This year might look a little different but we plan on having some engaging virtual fun.

Ask about Corporate Matching
Many companies offer corporate matching to non-profits as an added benefit for their employees. It’s an easy way to increase the impact of your financial support to Eagle Peak

Dine Out and Donate
Throughout the year dine out events are organized where you can support a local business and CFEP at the same time. Keep a look out for our next event.